Saturday, October 6, 2012

Enjoying the "Colors" of Fall in beautiful CO

Fall brings amazing color changes here on the Western Slope and we have been enjoying them on some fun trips... we joined our buddies from Denver, Ashley & her daughter Claire in Avon, reuniting "the Four Fabulous Females" as Claire so perfectly deemed us ;) Swimming, hiking, eating pizza & having a fun hotel sleepover was a blast, thanks again for the fun girls, until our next big adventure together! The last weekend in September was "Color Sunday" up on the Grand Mesa, and the 3 of us went up to participate in the day.    We watched the Obstacle Course Race (you should have seen HOW dirty these people got, we want to do it next year:), ate some yummy bbq, listened to a great band and hiked the mountain, walking through the beautiful changing colors. What a time to be liv'in in Colorado!

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