Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Boo For The Zoo at the Dinosaur Museum

Exciting news here in the Grand Valley... a group is trying very hard to get a zoo started up in the area! There was once a small one many years ago, but since then no real way to get kids and adults exposed to animals, their habitats and the environment in an educational way. They are starting with a crew of many volunteers who are participating in exhibits and hand-on experiences such as this one held at one of our MOST favorite places, the Dinosaur Museum :) We had a great time exploring and talking with everyone, and mommy's hoping it may be a job opportunity down the road, fingers crossed. And check out our little animal caretaker in the making, not afraid of the lizards or snakes one bit, she fell in love with this super sweet Chinese Water Dragon named Lucy... that's my girl!

Daddy Bob's Birthday!

Zoey was sooooo into Bob's birthday this year... she really likes doing special things for the both of us these days, and helped me shop for and wrap his presents, decorate the house and OF COURSE make a birthday cake. She helps me blog these days too, and asked that I post some pics of his gift opening, love it!

Zoey's School Fall Fest

This past weekend, on the 21st, was Zoey's school's Fall Festival at a local pumpkin patch here in town. We had a lot of fun enjoying the festivities with school buddies and parents. The little boy in the picture with her is her BEST boy bud right now Aaron, they are often inseparable at school functions... dad's keeping an eye on things ;) Zoey dressed herself as a fairy, but the wings came off pretty fast as they interfered a bit with the hay bail slide, trampoline bounce, pony ride etc. :) The weather was AMAZING and her school did a great job for all the families. It was a great way to celebrate daddy's birthday weekend (and Uncle Matty's long distance) too! p.s. don't worry mom ate most of that HUGE carmel apple and got the stomach ache to prove it ;)

Our ballerina & swimmer girl!

Zoey has been doing lots of dancing and swimming this Fall... she's turning out to be quite the little ballerina AND fish! So fun to watch her growing up and enjoying "little kid" activities, and seeing the little person she's becoming with her own interests :) Feeling very blessed right now.

The Fruita Fall Festival!

We LOVE "festivaling" and the Grand Valley loves it too! This is the season for some super-fun festivals and events here, and we have begun with the Fall Festival in Fruita, our neighboring town. Zoey & I went with our friends Jenna & little Jameson her youngest bud here, while the hubbys/daddys enjoyed a day of golf together. I tell you our little lady is getting very brave since turning the big 4, as you will see from all of the rides she went on here... including the FERRIS WHEEL! Zoey was completely gung-ho to do it and my friend Jenna PROMISED to watch her like a hawk, so I was brave myself and let her go on. Not wanting to put my fears on to her I had to "suck it up", as I watched them go up & around a few times from the ground, all the while holding my breath ;) I don't do heights, but apparently our little lady has no problem with it! You go Zoey :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Enjoying the "Colors" of Fall in beautiful CO

Fall brings amazing color changes here on the Western Slope and we have been enjoying them on some fun trips... we joined our buddies from Denver, Ashley & her daughter Claire in Avon, reuniting "the Four Fabulous Females" as Claire so perfectly deemed us ;) Swimming, hiking, eating pizza & having a fun hotel sleepover was a blast, thanks again for the fun girls, until our next big adventure together! The last weekend in September was "Color Sunday" up on the Grand Mesa, and the 3 of us went up to participate in the day.    We watched the Obstacle Course Race (you should have seen HOW dirty these people got, we want to do it next year:), ate some yummy bbq, listened to a great band and hiked the mountain, walking through the beautiful changing colors. What a time to be liv'in in Colorado!