Thursday, June 21, 2012

May... Zoey's Birthday MONTH!

Yes that's right Miss Zoey actually turned 4 YEARS OLD last month... where did the 4 years go?! We LOVE the little girl she's become, but sure do get sentimental for the little baby she was :) We had a great time celebrating through the month, eventhough we were fighting some bad colds. Mother's Day was a bit of a bust this year as we were both pretty sick (at least we were both laying on the couch!), and although she was sick on her actual birthday the 14th, we still had a nice day together enjoying the annual breakfast area decorations from mom & dad and homemade "happy face pancakes". And thankfully we were all better for both her last week at school where her class celebrated with her AND for her big party at Cherry Berry on the 22nd! CB is our favorite self serve frozen yogurt bar here in town and her party really turned out to be a hit! Zo picked out the party decor... princess stuff for the girls and animal stuff for the boys... soooooo Zoey ;) It was so awesome to have so many of her new friends here all together. The kids all got to make their own yogurt cups, we had a balloon artist for entertainment and celebrated with homemade cupcakes. Grampy Pat made it back to town for dinner that night at our favorite spot Cafe Rio with Grama Mary & family, and one of the BIGGEST highlights was that my bro Uncle Matthew flew in for her party weekend! Zoey was SO happy he came, and spent just about every second of his 3 days here with him... thanks so much for making the trip brother, we ALL enjoyed your visit :) Happy Birthday to our sweet girl!

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