Monday, August 2, 2010

Zoey's 2nd Birthday & Some Summertime Fun!

Hi there everyone...
you'll notice we have some changes to our blog... basically I decided to do a full overhaul & it's been fun - worked out some glitches & much more user-friendly now which helps this busy momma out greatly! Hope you enjoy the current look with some added fun facts about our girl to check out :)

Well, hope the summer has been a good one for you all so far! We have been having a great time with our full-fledged toddler, starting with her 2nd Birthday back on May 14th... let's just say keeping up with Miss Zo has caused mommy to get a bit behind on the blog! Had a smaller gathering this year with just family & her 3 good buds & mommys here, and did kind of a "backyard fun/summertime/Dora theme"... set up playstations for the kids (of ALL ages) with a sandbox, watertable, bubbles & coloring/snack table. Zoey enjoyed playing with her friends AND pigging out on pizza with everyone... mommy even made all of the strawberry & chocolate cupcakes with a little help from the b-day girl. We also went to see ELMO Live with the Sesame Street gang... we think Zo was a bit starstruck seeing them all in person & larger than life! Of course she still danced in the aisleway, and we had to include a pic of her namesake "Zoey" for you all.

The first week of June we went RV camping to one of our favorite spots at El Capitan State Beach, Ocean Mesa RV Park. Took a long walk down to the beach one day & enjoyed hanging by the campfire & Zoey's first "smore experience"... not too sure about that sticky marshmallow but was happy to see her fave part was the graham cracker and little sliver of hershey's chocolate... a girl after her momma's heart!

We celebrated my 42nd birthday in June too (how did THAT happen I wanna know!) at my fave restaurant in town Lupe's - best part about it was the silly pics we got of Zo at the end of dinner... you'll know which ones I think ;) Thanks to Nana, Uncle Chuck, Grama & Pa Johnson for celebrating with us.

The 4th of July was alot of fun as we had our annual barbeque/pool party at our place with family. Just before heading up the street to watch fireworks above our nearby mall, we again enjoyed some smores cooked over our firepit AND ice cream cones too, your choice... Zoey really enjoyed her dessert of choice, very intently working on her cone with her cousin Brella :)

Nana Lina treated Zoey & I too a fun day at Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena - we loved all of the cool activities, and discovered Zo really enjoys watercolor painting with a brush... may be a new art table we'll have to add to the collection... thank you Nana!

There has been lots of swimming in our pool this summer, many fun outtings with our "Tuesday buddy group", good family time with grandparents, uncles, aunties & cousins, a fun time getting to know our new neighborhood friends, some cool community festivals the 3 of us have enjoyed on weekends, really nice mom & dad's day celebrations, and of course lots of park & play time with our pup Emmy.

One last cool thing to share... just last week we scored a FREE Little Tykes outdoor jungle gym with 2 climbing areas attached by a tunnel & each with their own slide... for all you parents out there you KNOW what a find this was - a very generous neighborhood family happen to put it out on their driveway just 5 minutes before we drove by... meant to be I'd say & Zoey loves it... the final photo is of Zo & Emmy enjoying it :)

look forward to catching you all up much sooner & keeping you posted on our ever-changing adventure...
until next time,
the Tumas Trio


  1. Love the new look of the blog Holly! Good job! Don't you just love Blogger? They have the coolest stuff. I can't believe how big Zoey is! I still remember you telling me you were pregnant. My how time flies. I know all about that now with Abbey. I can not believe she will be 1 next month. Look for an invite in your mailbox =) Love all the pics and keep the updates coming!

  2. Cool pictures!! Those blue eyes where she got those I don't know! Thanks for the updates we don't get to see each other enough!
