Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun in February 2012!

We had a lot of fun this month... the highlight having to be our trip to the Avon area to meet up with my gal pal Ashley & her daughter Claire! Zoey & Claire hit it off pretty quick and they were off & running having a blast together... we splashed at an indoor Water Park/Rec Center, had a fun sleepover in the nearby town of Eagle & went for some snow exploring ending up at an awesome little Nature Center. Thanks for sharing the fun with us girls and we both can't wait to till the 4 Fabulous Females' next adventure!

February also brought us continuing outdoor fun playing sports & with our pets, and a great Valentine's Day celebration with lots of partying "kid style" both at school and at our friend's house. And we can't forget the annual Super Bowl Sunday festivities... watching the game with grampy & grama Mary at our place this year, which included a very dramatic rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by Miss Zoey AND Kelly Clarkson :)

And finally, as you can easily see Zo & Bud are becoming pretty attached at the hip these days... gives Miss Em a little break to take her "older lady" naps :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Holidays & Our New Home Oct 2011- Jan 2012!

Well we have so many pictures here, we'll mostly let them tell the story :) There's a little of Miss Zoey enjoying Halloween festivities, and then we head into our move into our new home in Grand Junction CO, lots of family visiting, and fun Thanksgiving & Christmas celebrating. Some of the highlights we have to mention are LOTS of outdoor fun with our pets in our new yard, Grandma Terry's 1st visit to decorate Zoey's "Princess Bedroom", thank you Grandma!, super cute pics of Zo with her very 1st teachers Mrs. Miller & Mrs. Baker, Zoey's 1st school Christmas Concert, seriously enjoying our first snow that we LIVE in :), Auntie Ariel's 1st visit to see us over Christmas, and our trip back to CA over New Year's including Zoey's 1st plane ride, where we made it to Disneyland, the Rose Parade, my old workplace EATM and visited with lots of family & friends, including an awesome reunion with our former playgroup buds... it was great to see everyone & one of the best parts was seeing Zo have such fun with her cousins... Brel, Zo & Lil... 3 peas in a pod :)

In the last couple pics we introduce our new goldfish Dorothy, Georgie & Crystal (YES Zoey named them all ;) in their beautiful pink tank, and I get to show off my animal training skills with Minnie our duck walking around the house in her super-cute duck diaper... I think she & I both surprised ourselves and she is loving life as "1 of the dogs" :)

We feel truly blessed to have found the home we did and to live in such a beautiful place... here's hoping you all had a wonderful holiday season too!